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Shane Winstead shanewinstead@yahoo.com 02-18-2012 12:55:59 PM CST Can't wait to get my baby boy I look forward to spoiling this lil guy. Lynell if ya get any updated pics could you please send me some?
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 02-14-2012 5:15:27 PM CST O.k, talk to you then. Hope you had a Happy Valentine's = ).
Destiny 02-13-2012 10:35:54 PM CST Thanks and its ok. I'll try and call maybe this weekend.... if I forget or get busy here just give me a call.
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 02-13-2012 9:03:13 PM CST Thanks Destiny. And Happy belated Birthdy!! Sorry I forgot. It's been crazy here.Give me
a call =).
Destiny 02-13-2012 5:37:39 PM CST The pups are beautiful, Lynell, and they were born on my birthay. So they are already special. LOL. Congrats! You needed a break after the last few months.
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 02-13-2012 5:21:57 PM CST Mallory, Glad Rue is doing good =). I can just picture her sliding across the floor lol! I would love hard wood floors! I'm hoping to get them this summer.
Mallory 02-13-2012 1:45:42 PM CST She's doing great, she doesn't like the new hard wood floor in the new house lol she peels out when we will and has a hard time jumping on the sofa so we are getting rugs to make it a little easier for her lol but she's great!
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 02-08-2012 4:27:55 PM CST Mallory, Thank you so much =). I do have a litter due with Cowboy & Cher any day now=).
If you would let him know. How is Rue doing?
Mallory 02-08-2012 10:56:13 AM CST Hey Lynell!! we just moved into a new house and the guy installing our shower glass LOVES rue, him and his wife are looking for a new puppy so I sent him your way !! :)
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 02-04-2012 4:06:31 PM CST I have contacted Cocoa's puppy's new owner. She said she is adjusting well & doing great! They named her Lola. She likes chasing the cat & cuddling on her owner's lap, Stephanie.
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 01-20-2012 3:25:39 PM CST M Sue, No problem & your Welcome! Yes please let me know when you're ready for your new puppy!
M-Sue 01-20-2012 3:04:39 PM CST O ok thats good to know thank you! & if i decide to get one in the future after May I will let you know ahead of time. :)
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 01-20-2012 9:42:02 AM CST M.Sue, Of couse you can. Please let me know if you have a specific color or gender you prefer.I will have a litter ready in May. Sire: Joey , Dam: Molly. Please let me know if you want to be put on my waiting list for this litter. Please feel free to call me with any queations at: 228-209-4002.
M-Sue 01-19-2012 11:00:06 PM CST Is it possible to pay for a puppy in cash? I'm thinkin about gettin one in the future probably sometime after May & I just want to start saving money up :)
Lynell mlfranklin64@cableone.net 01-16-2012 8:21:03 AM CST Thank you for your sympothy, Stephnie. Our Vet isn't sure.It was nothing airborne, but bacterial.We still can't believe this happened! Because she was so far along in her pregnancy her body couldn't fight it. We lost her & five puppies. The puppy we kept from her first litter,Kean. He is a reverse dapple.
Stephanie Dailey2820@gmail.com 01-14-2012 9:46:32 PM CST So sorry to hear about Caroline! She was so young, what happened? Her puppy that you are keeping is beautiful and so unique!
Stephanie Dailey2820@gmail.com 01-14-2012 9:46:32 PM CST So sorry to hear about Caroline! She was so young, what happened? Her puppy that you are keeping is beautiful and so unique!
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 12-24-2011 2:20:20 PM CST Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to All!!!
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 12-19-2011 7:12:09 AM CST We're going to see our grandson for the first time! And my daughter & son-in-law,have't seen them since May. Can't wait to see all of them!!
Lynell Franklin Mlfranklin64@cableone.net 12-14-2011 4:21:04 PM CST Joey's home!!! Just got him home from the vet today. He's been there since Friday. He's still very sore but doing great! I sure did miss him!
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin54@cableone.net 12-11-2011 7:51:51 PM CST Update on Joey: The nurse called today to let me know how he's doing. She said he's doing great!! He's eatint good and went for a 20 min walk. If he's healed from the trauma of the attack they will do surgery tomorrow. Please still keep him in your prayers for the surgery.
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 12-10-2011 3:44:54 PM CST  Yesterday my Joey was attacked by a bigger dog from across the street. He has two holes in him & his lung just missed from being punctured. Our Vet said by getting him there so quickly his prognosses looked good. Joey is very special to me. He was born the same day my Mom passed. I named him after my Mom JoAnn. Losing her left such a big hole in my life. So my loving Hubby got me Joey to feel that hole and help ease the pain of losing my Mom. And he has!! Joey has the same color eyes(green) as my Mom. When I look in his eyes I see her. I simply can't lose him like this. I did visit him today. They couldn't get him to eat or walk and wanted him to. I brought his food he ate a big handful! And walked over to me I cried! They said that was good but he's not out of the woods yet. They don't know the extent of lung or heart damage yet. He is scheduled for surgery on Monday 12-12-11. Please pray for my Joey!!
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 12-02-2011 7:06:56 AM CST  Hunter Michael Rogers!
7# 9oz.
My Grandson!
Lynell Franklin mlfranklin64@cableone.net 12-01-2011 3:41:44 PM CST Thank you Destinty & Mallory. Alyssa and Hunter are doing good now. They are excited about being first time parents. And we are excited about being Grandparents!!
Destiny 11-30-2011 8:44:09 AM CST Congrats on the baby, Lynell. Tell Alyssa to take care and congrats on being a new Mom. Being a first time Mom is awesome. I hope they are both ok.