Puppy Training Tips
Many customers have asked the best way to house train their new puppies. And what I reccommend for house training. I have eleven dogs that are all house trained. And I begin Pad Training all of our new litters at three weeks of age.
Here are a few tips on House Training your new Puppy:
First: Show your new Puppy where you want him or her to go to potty.
For example: Puppy training pad,certain door to go outside,training pen
We reccommend our Puppy Pad. It has the kennel, training pad & dog ramp.
We reccommend the Puppy Pad when your not home & at night when puppy can not be brought outside every 3-4 hours.
Second: Establish a routine with your Puppy.
Let Puppy out first thing in the morning & after naps.
Let Puppy out after eating or drinking.
Let Puppy out before bedtime.
Third: Reward with treats
You will beging to establish a routine with your Puppy & he or she will be wanting
to potty outside for a treat.
Fourth: I do not reccommend traditional " Crate Training". This is where the owner has the unrealistic idea that a Puppy under the age of six months is going to hold their bladder longer than three hours. I will only kennel a puppy with a training pad at one end & their bed at the other. Giving them the area they need to potty.